hydra Shower Burst 2oz 57g – Sweet Dreams Lavender Chamomile
Enjoy the benefits of Aromatherapy while you shower with hydra’s Sweet Dreams Shower Burst! Shower Bursts deliver amazing aromatherapy while you shower. Made with all-natural ingredients and pure essential oils, they are a fun and unique way to enjoy aromatherapy every day. The soothing blend of Lavender and Chamomile calms and relaxes, leaving you ready for a night of restful sleep.
Lavender – sweet, herbal aroma with soft underlying florals. Lavender has calming, rejuvenating effects and is an amazing natural antiseptic and antibiotic.
Chamomile – comforting herbal aroma. Chamomile works as a natural sedative, helping your body and mind prepare for a good night’s sleep.
TO USE: Unwrap Shower Burst and place on a dish or in a sachet. Wet briefly to activate. Enjoy for multiple showers and re-wet each time. Each shower burst lasts for 3-4 uses, sometimes longer!
Aromatherapy has the power to improve your day in the space of a breath. That’s why hydraAROMATHERAPY was born: to make it simple to elevate yourself and others with the gift of true aromatherapy. Hydra builds on more than sixteen years of expertise to bring you the very best aromatherapy products for baths, showers, and personal care. Made in the United States using only 100% all-natural, pure essential oils and no artificial fragrances, hydra products make aromatherapy accessible to everyone.