Kikkerland Reflexology Thumb Ease Massager
You know what’s better than a massage? A massage with the Reflexology Thumb-Ease Massager! Just slip these clever little covers over your thumbs and watch as your massage technique goes from good to great! The points on the Thumb-Ease Massager help to stimulate pressure points, allowing you to get the most out of your massage.
Available in blue, green, orange, and red. Please let us know if you have a color preference in the comments section of your order, or leave it blank for a surprise!
Welcome to Kikkerland Design Inc., where creativity runs rampant and even the most utilitarian gadget becomes a delightful discovery. Since 1992, the folks at Kikkerland Design have traveled the world in search of original designs for things that can make life more enjoyable. Clever things to intrigue you. Smart things that make everyday tasks easier. And gentle things that make you feel happier when you use them.